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QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 3.iso
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Date: Sat, 11 Dec 93 04:30:17 PST
From: Ham-Policy Mailing List and Newsgroup <ham-policy@ucsd.edu>
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Subject: Ham-Policy Digest V93 #521
To: Ham-Policy
Ham-Policy Digest Sat, 11 Dec 93 Volume 93 : Issue 521
Today's Topics:
ARRL's callsign admin position
Can my wife transmit? (2 msgs)
The 10-meters band - No CW required ?
W5YI's coverage of "temporary callsigns"
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Ham-Policy@UCSD.Edu>
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Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the Ham-Policy Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-policy".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: 10 Dec 93 11:50:59 GMT
From: ogicse!uwm.edu!wupost!howland.reston.ans.net!news.intercon.com!panix!not-for-mail@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: ARRL's callsign admin position
To: ham-policy@ucsd.edu
In article <DTD8Dc3w165w@mystis.wariat.org>,
>I can agree to some of what you said. United front and all. But before
>the ARRL desides what _all_ amateurs want, maybe they could come out of
>the board room and ask a few of us?
Maybe your division's director doesn't "come out of the board room", but
here in the Hudson Division we have a director who is responsive to the
membership -- and available.
Steve Mendelsohn, WA2DHF, travels throught the division, attending club
meetings and hamfests. He's always asking for opinions on matters he
expects to come before the board, and asks for fresh ideas to bring to the
rest of the board.
Steve also has an active division "cabinet" made up of all division-level
appointees, SMs, section-level appointees, and selected others. Before
each ARRL board meeting he holds a division cabinet meeting to determine
the position of the division. Quite a number of ARRL Board policies come
from these meetings, as Steve brings *into* the boardroom the desires and
opinions of the membership in the Hudson Division.
If your director isn't as accessible and active as Steve then vote in
someone else!
73, Andy
______________________ Andrew Funk, KB7UV ______________________
| President, Tri-State Amateur Repeater Council (TSARC) |
| ENG Editor/Microwave Control, WCBS-TV Channel 2 News, New York |
| Internet: kb7uv@panix.com Packet: kb7uv@kb7uv.#nli.ny.usa |
Date: 10 Dec 1993 15:14:30 -0500
From: newshub.nosc.mil!crash!news.sprintlink.net!clark.net!clark.net!not-for-mail@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Can my wife transmit?
To: ham-policy@ucsd.edu
markm@bigfoot.sps.mot.com (Mark Monninger) writes:
>In article <1993Dec9.200425.24723@mixcom.mixcom.com> kevin.jessup
><kevin.jessup@mixcom.mixcom.com> writes:
>> ... stuff about wife & kid in threatening situation...
If you are looking for answers to questions in order to justify the
purchase of a mobile rig for the purpose of providing emergency
communication, you are probably trying to skirt the issue.
In my case, my wife is smart enough to take the test and get the license
so she can enjoy the other aspects of amateur radio.
If you only need emergency communication gear, buy a cb and call on
channel 9. If you you want to have a mobile ham rig in your wife's car
for your own usage, buy it. If she needs it in that rare instance, she
will have it to use.
John A. Evans, Capt, USAF "My number one goal as a
VHDL/EDA Engineer runner is to live long enough
N3QOO Tech Plus !!! to place in my age group!!!"
jaevans@clark.net Linux - the OS of choice !!
Once data encryption is outlawed, only outlaws will have data encryption !!!
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1993 21:31:55 GMT
From: telesoft!garym@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Can my wife transmit?
To: ham-policy@ucsd.edu
In <1993Dec9.200425.24723@mixcom.mixcom.com> kevin.jessup
<kevin.jessup@mixcom.mixcom.com> writes:
>My wife and 4-year-old son are on a not-so-well traveled highway between
>cities. She has car trouble....
>She fires up my 50 Watt 2-meter ...
>She transmits, asks for help, and the sheriff soon arrives and rescues
>Will she be fined for transmitting on amateur bands without a licence?
There is a general rule of thumb that I use in this kind of circumstance.
If you had a phone and for whatever reasons, it could only call 911, would
you use it? If she thought the circumstances were such that it would have
been reasonable to call 911 and you expect the 911 dispatchers would not
tell you that you should be calling the non-emergency number, then I think
it is reasonable for her to use the 2M radio (based on Part 97.403).
Having spent a "ride-along" shift on the 911 console at the San Diego
Sheriff's Department, I think that they were to receive a call from someone
in the situation you describe, they would do their best to help out, either
by dispatching a tow truck, a deputy or the CHP depending on where the call
came from.
That's my $0.02.
Gary Morris KK6YB Internet: garym@alsys.com
San Diego, CA USA Phone: +1 619-457-2700 x128 (work)
Date: 10 Dec 93 10:29:53 GMT
From: ogicse!emory!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!moe.ksu.ksu.edu!cbr600@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: The 10-meters band - No CW required ?
To: ham-policy@ucsd.edu
In article <2e9efb$il1@cismsun.univ-lyon1.fr>, elendir@enst.fr writes:
> Hi there.
> There is a rumor (actually more than that) saying that the 10-meters band,
> being underused and beginning to be polluted by CB Dxers, will soon be allowed
> to no-CW licencees. Did you hear about this ?
> Vince (no callsign yet, to be defined round Feb.)
> --
> PSG Vainqueurs de la coupe de France 1982, 1983, 1993
> PSG Champions de France 1985/86 1/2 Finaliste C3: 1993
Unfortunately, this isn't going to happen anytime soon, because of the foolish
WARC Treaty stating any amateurs operating below 30 MHz have to have knowledge
of Morse code. True, this would probably be a good thing, but I guess this
weekend we'll see just how much fun 10 mtrs can be, since this weekend is the
big 10 meter contest. Hope to see you on the airwaves someday!
Jeremy L. Utley | jlu@cygnus.cis.ksu.edu
Computing & Infomation Sciences | cbr600@matt.ksu.ksu.edu
Student | cbr600@ksuvm.bitnet
Kansas State University | bxth85a (Prodigy)
A.S. Comp. Sci. & Acctg. | N0YAX@N0OER.#NEKS.KS.USA.NA (Packet Radio)
1 day until upgrade! (Tech Plus and Possibly General)
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 93 13:59:20 GMT
From: mnemosyne.cs.du.edu!nyx!jmaynard@uunet.uu.net
Subject: W5YI's coverage of "temporary callsigns"
To: ham-policy@ucsd.edu
In article <1993Dec7.183422.29800@cs.brown.edu>,
Michael P. Deignan <md@maxcy2.maxcy.brown.edu> wrote:
>mebly@eng.umd.edu writes:
>> You can't do it this way. (HINT: Ever wonder why /AT isn't used for
>> technician upgrades?)
>No, I'm clueless. Why isn't /AT used for tech upgrades?
Because, apparently, the FCC thinks that the suffixes used for temporary
privilege designators must fall within the callsign blocks assigned to the US;
AT isn't one. (Hence, /KT.) I don't know why they think that, but...
Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC, PP-ASEL | Never ascribe to malice that which can
jmaynard@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu | adequately be explained by stupidity.
"The road to Usenet is littered with dead horses." -- Jack Hamilton
Date: Thu, 09 Dec 1993 09:16:14 -0700
From: ftpbox!mothost!schbbs!node_13059.aieg.mot.com!user@uunet.uu.net
To: ham-policy@ucsd.edu
References <gregCHMBrt.Err@netcom.com>, <1993Dec6.172531.25131@mnemosyne.cs.du.edu>, <1993Dec8.163926.8129@ke4zv.atl.ga.us>
Subject : Re: ARRL's callsign admin position
In article <1993Dec8.163926.8129@ke4zv.atl.ga.us>, gary@ke4zv.atl.ga.us
(Gary Coffman) wrote:
> Yes the ARRL
> purports to represent *all* amateurs, but in reality they are mainly
> representative of the DXers, contesters, and ARES types who depend on
> the ARRL to manage their activities.
I have been an ARRL member since 1961 and only a DXer for 10 of those
years. Otherwise I have never belonged to one of those groups.
> ARRL currently has the only full time paid lobbyist in Washington, but it
> was not always so. Wayne's old alternate organization had the first paid
> lobbyist, and all the other major bodies have at least part time volunteer
> representation in Washington. I believe I heard that NARA intends to
> register a full time lobbyist too.
When some other organization actually *does* the representing as well as
ARRL then they won't be the *only* representative. Until then it is just
I only hope that whoever else does the "representing" doesn't get into an
ARRL fabours it so we oppose it stance - the net result would not be good
for anyone.
> >Such as? (Wayne Green is an oft-cited example, but if he's the best you can
> >come up with, you simply don't have a case: he's consistently predicted doom
> >and gloom, and been consistently wrong. He's no more than the Howard Stern of
> >ham magazines.)
I agree.
> The ARRL's attack on SERA is the latest example of their efforts to
> stifle other organizations who they think stand in their way. Their
> attacks on Wayne have been long standing, and dirty, but that's not
> all they've done to try to retain hegemony over amateur radio.
Really??? Can you point out *anything* that the ARRL has actually done or
said to support this? I have heard a continuous stream of such accusations
since 1961, but have yet to see one that actually existed.
On the other hand Wayne Greene, SERA, LARC etc. have been *very* vocal
about their supposed persecution.
This seems to go on for about 18 months then go away quitely, only to be
replaced with some other horrible thing that ARRL has supposedly done.
> Even
> inside the ARRL, the old guard has done everything in their power to
> stifle dissent among the troops. The directors and the volunteers
> form a strong "old boy" network that squelches dissent with a vengence.
That certainly hasn't been my experience. Even when I wasn't an "old boy"
Mike Waters rcrw90@email.mot.com AA4MW@KC7Y.PHX.AZ.US.NA
Hate is not a "Family Value"
End of Ham-Policy Digest V93 #521